Definition of an Environmentalist
Environmental Sustainability for our Future (May 2020)
5.Stop overfishing – One solution for the challenges posed by overfishing is by creating aquacultures. How to support oyster aquaculture in Nicaragua that you can read more about here. Education and support to find other ways.
6.Work from home – or work from anywhere, I am an advocate of that, all though I recommend you do not tell people where you are. Human nature and jealousy will work against you. The set up of home offices can make for so many positives. Reduce traffic, reduce the size of commercial office space, reduce energy by downsizing massive offices that would no longer be required. Turn the office spaces into retail, storage or housing.
7.Faster train travel, a better system of long distance travel that could eliminate some air travel and reduce CO2 emissions.
8.Plant trees and protect forests – find other building materials such as recycled wood, plastic and combinations of things
9.Tighter monitoring of known pollution industries – metal manufacturing, chemical, cosmetic etc. The Canada Environmental Protection Act needs to be updated.
10.Mining, fracking and drilling, find other methods that do no harm or make it too costly to carry out. Make the producers pay higher taxes or build environmental replacements to repair or replace what is removed or spoiled. France, Ireland, Germany, and Bulgaria have banned fracking altogether.
11.Buildings – multi residential, hi-rise buildings – energy saving – green only. Reducing carbon emissions, improved waste water treatment, access to rapid transit and many other environmental benefits are all cheaper and easier to do when people live in dense communities.