The One Minute Breathing Space 

How many times have you just needed some “breathing space”?

This easy practice provides a way to step out of automatic pilot mode and into your present moment.

What we are doing is creating a space to reconnect with your natural resilience and wisdom.

You are simply tuning in to what is happening right now, without expectation of any particular result.

If you remember nothing else, just remember the word “STOP”.

S – Stop and take Stock Checking in to Head/Heart/Body

Bring yourself into the present moment by deliberately asking:

What is my experience right now?

Thoughts… (what are you saying to yourself, what images are coming to mind.)

Feelings… (enjoying, neutral, upset, excited, sad, mad, etc.)

Sensations… (physical sensations, tightness, holding, lightness, etc.)

Acknowledge and register your experience, even if it is uncomfortable.

T – “Take” a Breath Directing awareness to Breathing

Gently direct full attention to breathing, to each in breath and to each out breath as they follow one after the other.

Your breath can function as an anchor to bring you into the present and help you tune into a state of awareness and stillness.

O – Open and Observe Expanding awareness outward

Expand the field of your awareness around and beyond your breathing, so that it includes a sense of the body as a whole. Your posture, and facial expression, then further outward to what is happening around you: sights, sounds, smells, etc. As best you can, bring this expanded awareness to the next moments…

P – Proceed / new Possibilities Continuing without expectation

Let your attention now move into the world around you, sensing how things are right now. Rather than react habitually or mechanically, you can be curious/open, responding naturally. You may even be surprised by what happens next after having created this pause…

A lesson from the Palouse Mindfulness course.
