September 30 . Issue #145

“The land is in a constant state of birth,
Giving life to all who live on Earth.
Our carelessness and fears
Have taken a toll over the years.
Her land is parched and scorched
As man continues to light the torch.”  Sophia E. Valdez


My monthly journal, this month features end-of-summer events, book 3 in the Samba the Dog series, music and more. My featured photo is of the Rockwood Conservation Area by Nina Yanuziello.

1. New Earth  Village and Lovefest in beautiful Adjala is happening this Sunday, October 2nd. Nestled amongst the trees in a beautiful valley and overlooking a pond, you are surrounded by nature.

This will be my third visit. A beautiful way to spend a Sunday. Come out and enjoy, I will be offering a reading of one of my books and I’ll have lots of books available at discount prices.

And that’s not all, you’ll have the opportunity to shop locally and support sustainability in the community on sacred land. Some of the incredible offerings include tallow balms, tarot readings, community acupuncture treatments, pine needle tea, health and wellness products, and so much more — all intentionally charged with love and wellness.

2. My draft version of book 3 in the Samba dog series is coming along. Samba in Switzerland, Samba the Bernese Mountain Dog and his best friend Ariela explore and have fun near Samba’s hometown of Bern, Switzerland.

At our last meeting, illustrator Joshua Miller and I went over the draft sketches, and we tweaked and fine-tuned the visuals. I think it’s looking fantastic. I can’t wait to give you all a glimpse at this wonderful artwork.

3. Some of my end-of-summer adventures have included these events, SweetWater Music Festival in beautiful Owen Sound. 

A fantastic festival featuring world-class musicians playing the classics. Outstanding piano, strings, clarinet and french horn.

Elephant Thoughts, the event I had planned to attend was cancelled but I was invited to tour the Riverstone campus. Incredible space and I’m looking forward to contributing in some manner or another.

4. My first writer’s festival, the Eden Mills Writers Festival was a smashing success. I did it large, renting an Airbnb and spending time at the nearby Rockwood Conservation Area. Canoeing, swimming, snorkelling and hiking. So great!

The next day, a tour of Guelph’s Arboretum. A beautiful 400-acre garden and spending time enjoying the sites, the sounds and the food in the University City of Guelph.

Sunday, an early start and off to the festival to set up our table. Meet some other small press authors, meet the book-buying public and generally speaking have a grand time.

5. What I’m listening to this week Donnè Roberts Band. I caught them at the Markham Jazz Festival and then once again a short time later at a private event.

Energy, excitement, spirit, enthusiasm, love, peace, and kindness are some of the words that come to mind in the makeup of this 2 time Juno winner. A part of the band’s performance from the recent Markham Jazz Festival.

Thank you for reading, if you think someone you know would be interested in my newsletter please pass it along.

All of my books are now available at your favourite bookstores, support local bookstores with your online purchases. Make sure you get out and about this summer. Visit a book store, or the library and pick up some books. If you’re looking for a great early reader chapter book get my book Scratchy the Squirrel: A Time for Friends. Or one of my picture books, Samba on a Snowy Day or  Samba in Brazil.

Stay safe, stay well, stay strong and keep going.

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