“Ten thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn,
A cool breeze in summer, snow in winter.
If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things,
This is the best season of your life.”
– Wumen Huikai –
Welcome all, this week includes “V” Day, I receive my first shot, the second is scheduled for early August. In this weeks newsletter, books, reading, creativity, music and more.
1. My book Samba em um Dia de Neve (Portuguese Edition) is part of a free E-Book promotion. For more information and to get your free E-Book click on the link.
2. I started reading The Artist Way, A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron and of course, I started doing my morning pages. Three pages of writing in the morning, a stream of thoughts, whatever you may be thinking about, you jot it down on lined paper, a morning journal.
People have asked me if I’m getting anything out of it. I’ve only been doing it for a week but I do believe you should write every day and this is a good way to accomplish that. Only time will tell if it gives a boost or unlocks my creativity.
3. Next week, Thursday, April 22 from 4:15 – 5:15 pm, I will be doing a Children’s Writing Workshop, a virtual presentation for the Markham Public Library on creativity, Creative Expression.
There are some seats available, sign your kids up for some fun (click the link above). I’ll be reading a story entitled “The Samurai and The Dragon King”. And we will look at different ways to light up our creativity.
4. My province of Ontario has a stay at home order in effect. You can go outside for essentials. Exercise is one of the essentials and I have been going for long walks through my new community of mid-town Toronto. The featured photo was taken during a 10k walk along a scenic path known as the Kay Gardner Beltline Trail.
5. Music is a big part of my life, another part of my creativity and one that I love to pay attention to. I was trained as a drummer and I practice my drumming as much as possible. I have been studying harmonica for the past six years and one of my teachers is Jason Ricci.
Ricci recently gave a youtube talk on overcoming nerves. That led me to find this youtube video of Ricci performing at the 2015 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame show. A phenomenal performance.
That took me to the great Paul Butterfield and then I found Pat Ramsey who just got me back to the present day and another great performance by Jason Ricci.
Thank you for sharing my week. If you are looking for a fun children’s book check out one of my books. Samba on a Snowy Day, Samba em um Dia de Neve, – (Free e-book for a limited time) or my new book, Samba in Brazil.
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong and keep going.
Copyright © 2021 Paul Yanuziello, All rights reserved.