Make just a ripple.
Come on be brave.
This time a ripple,
Next time a wave.
Sometimes you have to start small,
Climbing the tiniest wall.
Maybe you’re going to fall—
But it is better than not starting at all!
“Everybody Says Don’t,” Anyone Can Whistle – Sondheim
Hello all and a warm welcome to you. This week has been a challenge staying warm the beginning of the week looked like full-blown winter. In this weeks newsletter a visit to Broadway, books that have inspired, enjoyable eye candy and more…
1. Steven Sondheim passed away this past week (March 22, 1930 – November 26, 2021) a master of musical theatre. A composer and a lyricist, he is the man behind such hits as “Send in the Clowns” and the dark musical “Sweeney Todd” among many other Broadway shows.
Many theatres paid tribute to Sondheim by darkening the lights. And on Broadway, theatre stars, including Lin Manuel Miranda gave a performance, “Broadway Honours Sondheim” in Times Square, Manhattan, NYC.
2. My karate non-organization, Sunday Morning Keiko came up with an initiative to post a book a day to our FB page during November. These were books that members found inspirational, I have put together a list of the books submitted. More than a couple of interesting books for me:
“The Zen Way to Martial Arts,” by Taisen Deshimaru “The Intuitive Body ” by Wendy Palmer and “Heaven’s Wind: The Life and Times of Nakamura Temu” by Stephen Earle.
3. My eye candy this week, watching “Colin in Black and White” on NetFlix. An interesting and entertaining series from Colin Kaepernick, his early life as an elite athlete.
4. My musical listening pleasure, the smooth as silk saxophone playing of Paul Desmond. An album I especially enjoy is one he made at a jazz club I frequented back in the day. George’s Spaghetti House, where he made a live album with guitarist Ed Bickert.
5. My new early reader chapter book for children is slowly moving along; Scratchy the Squirrel: A Time For Friends. The illustrations are complete and now the work begins to design the front and back cover. Have a look at some chapters and illustrations that I want to share with you.
Thank you for reading. If you think someone you know would enjoy my newsletter please share it with them. If you are looking for a great children’s book check out my new book, Samba in Brazil; Paperback version, on sale for a limited time. And the Portuguese version, Samba no Brasil, now available as a set.
Or one of my other books, Samba on a Snowy Day or the Brazilian/ Portuguese version Samba em um Dia de Neve.
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong and keep going.
Copyright © 2021 Paul Yanuziello, All rights reserved.