Bobcat One night long ago, in Ohio, a bobcat leaped like a quick clawed whirlwind of light from the pines beside the road and our hearts thudded and stopped – those lightning eyes! that dappled jaw! those plush paws! Mary Oliver (1935 – 2019) In this weeks newsletter, a children’s book festival, tree museum’s, bullfighting… Continue reading October 30 . Issue #62
Tag: Martial Arts
Transformational Coaching
Ontario Coaching Conference 19 Marriott Markham, Ont. Kicking It Into High Gear: Using Evidence To Transform Your Coaching Practice Presenter: Dr. Jean Coté – Queen’s University My first Ontario Coaching Conference, I am a coach and a member of the Coaches Association of Ontario, so I thought this is something I should attend. As an… Continue reading Transformational Coaching