How do you get children active?
Promise them fun and make sure you carry through on that promise. In the photo above I’m guiding a lunchtime karate class for JK – grade 2 children, with my assistant Nina.
You want your children active. You also want them safe, you may or may not want to be a participant in their activity. How best can you accomplish this and still maintain peace in the home?
Here I list a few proven ideas that have worked for me over the past. I will also share some motivators I think are a great idea.
I’ll also give you a few book recommendations that have some good ideas. There are some great blogs out there too. Just search, “How do I get my child away from the screen.”
With my kids, it was always about dance. That’s what they wanted to do, that’s what we got them into. Getting the younger daughter away from the television was a challenge. But once she was out the door and tossed in the car, she accepted her fate and seemed to enjoy the interaction with the other children.
Her favourite dance teachers were the ones who got it. The kids want to have fun, that is job number one for them and the great teachers make sure they include fun in all of their classes.
It seems like an easy decision, but setting limits on time spent in front of the screen, computer or video games. A maximum of two hours a day, that’s fourteen hours a week.
So what do you do with the rest of the time? Boring! Can you hear the kids saying that already? Yes, you just may have to encourage them to get outside, get active.
What about reading, try it! Find a book that your child is interested in and read it together or let your child read it alone.
Photography can be fun for children of all ages, get outside and take some photos. You never know, some hobbies become a profession.
There are so many negative effects associated with too much screen time. Take that idea up a notch and get outside and read.
On getting outside and being active, check out this book by Richard Louv. “Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder.” Here is a link to his site.
For tips on parenting, try this book. There is great advice for parents here.
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Love and Light
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