“Art is a nation’s most precious heritage. For it is in our works of art that we reveal ourselves, and to others, the inner vision which guides us as a nation. And where there is no vision, the people perish.” President Lyndon B. Johnson – September 29, 1965
In this weeks newsletter, Arts Organizations, Orange Shirts, Culture Days and more…
My Weekly Journal
A weekly newsletter that gives you 5 personal interests that I share with you.
1. The National Endowment of the Arts (NEA) turns 55 this week. The stimulus for the arts needed now more than ever.
The Marguerite Yanuziello Art Memorial Scholarship (MYAMS) of which I am a director, is a registered not for profit dedicated to supporting the performing arts; especially here in Ontario, Canada. MYAMS is only 8 years old yet we aspire to the same goals as the aforementioned (NEA) organization.
2. September 30th in Canada is Orange Shirt Day the day to reflect on reconciliation, residential school and Every Child Matters.
I watched the documentary, Wawahte: Stories of Residential School Survivors, an educational documentary based on the book of the same title by Robert P. Wells, first published in 2012. It tells the story of Indian Residential Schools from the perspective of three of its survivors.
Another video to watch, “Stolen Children”.
3. Culture Days 2020 continues through to October 25th. There is some great talent featured, both live and in virtual performances. Take an online dance class, listen to a digital performance or take in a live performance.
I’m registered for a couple of on-line events including one with the accomplished pianist – Hilario Duran.
4. The 2nd wave of COVID19 is officially here in Canada, not in every province and territory. Just the most populated. My research this week has me delving into what will happen in 2021. Will we be able to travel to other countries safely? Will there be an effective and safe vaccine against COVID19 by September as some people are predicting? I think not, have a listen to The Race to Develop A COVID19 Vaccine.
5. My basic outline for an on-line, kids creative writing workshop is complete. Nine sessions, each session dealing with a major component of the creative writing process. All the sessions will be free. At the end of the workshop, the participants will have completed an 800 – 1000 word children’s story.
Send me an e-mail if you have children that would like to attend, scheduled to start October 19th.
Thanks for reading, if you think someone you know would like my newsletter please share it with them. If you’re looking for a great children’s book, check out my book, Samba on a Snowy Day.
Please consider a contribution to our next book project that we have scheduled for February of 2021. You can contribute by buying me a coffee, just swing by Ko-fi.com. You know I appreciate my coffee and in these crazy times every coffee really helps out.
Check out my weekly journal, follow the link to subscribe. Get the weekly happenings in your inbox, no spam I promise.
Copyright © 2020 Paul Yanuziello, All rights reserved.